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How to Use Life Insurance for Retirement: 5 Strategies
The most common reason for buying life insurance is to provide for dependents when you pass away, but you might be surprised to find out

How Does the Life Insurance Policy Grace Period Work?
To keep your life insurance policy active, you need to make payments. But what happens if you miss a payment? Your life insurance policy grace

How Much Does Hospice Cost and 6 Ways to Pay for Care
Hospice care provides a supportive environment for patients and families when you or a loved one is facing the end of life. While healthcare costs

How Can I Pay for Senior Living With No Money?
There are a lot of unknown factors that make planning for senior living difficult, such as if you’ll need care and for how long. However,

Can I Sell My Universal Life Insurance Policy?
A universal life insurance policy can be a valuable tool for retirement planning, as it accumulates cash value over time and can provide a death

Should You Surrender Your Life Insurance Policy?
While most people buy life insurance to create a financial safety net for loved ones, your situation may change and there may come a time

Is the Cash Value of Life Insurance Taxable?
Cash value life insurance is any type of policy that features a death benefit and a savings element. Common types of cash value life insurance policies

9 Alternatives to Life Insurance
Life insurance is a financial tool to provide for loved ones when you pass away. The death benefit can cover funeral expenses, pay off debt

The Complete Guide to Life Insurance Payouts in 2025
If you have a life insurance policy, you may have some questions about the death benefit or payout beneficiaries will receive after you pass away.