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    Life Settlements
    Sonya Stinson

    Life Settlement Calculator

    You’ve heard about the possibility of selling a life insurance policy you don’t need or can’t afford, and you’re thinking you could use the cash to pay medical or long-term care bills, or to invest in a more comfortable retirement. But before you take the step of contacting a life settlement company, you’d like to get some idea of how much money you can get for your policy – and whether you’re even eligible to sell it. An online life settlement calculator can provide a quick general assessment of your eligibility to sell your life insurance policy, but it cannot replace the in-depth medical underwriting process required to accurately estimate the value of that policy.

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    Life Insurance
    Catherine Brock

    Understanding Insurable Interest in Life Insurance

    What do insurable interest and gravity have in common? Both are fundamental concepts that impact our lives daily, and yet we hardly think about either one. Gravity keeps your feet on the ground, and insurable interest underpins every insurance policy you’ve ever owned.

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    older couple and younger man looking at a laptop screen
    Life Insurance
    Avery Logan

    What is Whole Life Insurance?

    Whole life insurance, sometimes called “straight life” or “ordinary life,” is a type of permanent life insurance and is the most well-known form of life insurance. Whole life insurance policies last the whole life of the policyholder and are paid out to the policyholder’s beneficiary or beneficiaries upon death provided that premiums are paid. It’s important to note that because whole life insurance lasts throughout the policyholder’s life, premiums are typically higher and cost more than term life insurance. Along with death benefits, whole life insurance also comes with a type of savings called “cash value” and may grow tax-deferred interest.

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    Life Insurance
    Catherine Brock

    What Are The Types of Life Insurance

    Life insurance is like pizza — it comes in many styles and the customization options are practically endless. But unlike pizza, it’s cost-prohibitive to sample life insurance policies to pick the one you like. And that means you’ll have to know your options and clarify your financial goals to land on the type of life insurance that’ll work for you.

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    Accumulating money through investment
    Life Insurance
    Amy Fontinelle

    How Do Life Insurance Payouts Work?

    Most people don’t think about how life insurance payouts work unless they’re filing a life insurance claim. If you’re in that situation right now, we feel for you. To make this difficult time a little easier, we’ve put together the information below to help you understand how the process works and what your options are if you find yourself the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or need to help someone else make a claim. Here are the steps you will go through in the payout process.

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    Senior Care
    Avery Logan

    Coronavirus Prevention Tips for Elderly People

    There’s a lot of questions and uncertainty about the ongoing coronavirus situation, but we do know that one group is especially at risk and needs to take extra precautions: seniors. The Chinese Center for Disease Control (which has been studying the virus since the outbreak began in Wuhan) found the fatality rate for people under 50 was 0.5%, but this number rose to 3.6% for individuals aged 60-69, 8% for elderly people 70-79, and 14.8% for people 80 years old and above.

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    term life settlement
    Life Insurance
    Sonya Stinson

    What Is Term Life Insurance and Can I Sell It?

    Term life insurance, also known as pure life insurance, provides coverage during a specified length of time and guarantees the payment of a death benefit during that period. The shortest term policy available is for one year, and you can typically buy policies with terms that last up to 30 years, or until you reach a specified age.

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    what is accelerated death benefit
    Life Insurance
    Avery Logan

    What is an Accelerated Death Benefit?

    Accelerated death benefits are life insurance policy riders or provisions that can be added to your insurance and allows you to access death benefits while you’re still alive. The accelerated death benefit is common and can often be included in your policy at no additional cost.

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    universal life insurance
    Life Insurance
    Avery Logan

    What Is Universal Life Insurance?

    Universal life policies are a great coverage option that also allows you to plan for retirement if utilized properly. Although the various forms can be confusing, we’ve broken down everything you need to know about this type of policy in our comprehensive guide.

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